Monday, May 19, 2008

Must Read! Important! Read This!

Bleh. Whatever happened to a succintly worded and relevant subject line that actually gave a potential reader an even chance at divining what the post will be about?

If ya title your post like I just did, I will NOT read it. I find it extremely annoying when I am scanning through a forum's posts and see subject titles like that. In my experience, I usually want my click back if I give in to curiousity and look at them. I can honestly say that it has been a couple years now since I've done it.

Who are you to tell me what to do? What I must read? Sure fire way to get me to ignore ya.

Ya'll might want to think about. Maybe even do the same as I. It might be hard at first, you'll lie awake at night wondering about all the "important must read" posts that you failed to read that day. It gets easier with time though, each day you don't read them and life still goes on.

Save your clicks for important stuff, like watching idiots on youtube...

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